Resilience Design Training-of-Trainers Certification Course in Regenerative Agriculture

Why is this Training so Important?

Regenerative Agriculture Training

Tree Management


Model Farm

To be more resilient, smallholder farmers and their supporting ecologies must be highly responsive to fluctuating and unpredictable environmental conditions and disasters, increasing land degradation, and to changing political and economic influences all of which can lead to increased vulnerability and/or displacement. This requires a deeper understanding of household and farm growing sites and their surrounding landscapes and the development of agricultural production systems that can maximize the use of local resources, work with natural patterns and  enhance the environmental services that support them. This process of ecological revitalization restores the productive potential of landscapes and addresses food, water, energy and soil security for long term resilience and livelihoods as well as disaster preparedness and response.

This two-week Resilience Design (RD) training originally developed under multiple USAID technical support awards since 2014, is based on permaculture design science and agroecological principles. This dynamic program is designed as a Training-of-Trainers (T3) certification program that is practical and field-based and designed for those people who will be training other trainers in their programs and/or directly taking this to community settings. Set in a refugee settlement in Northern Uganda, participants are supported in learning the theory and  science of regenerative practices and then practically implementing them in vulnerable host community and displaced populations contexts. Participants will experience a mix of classroom learning, peer-to-peer sharing, curriculum reinforcing activities, design exercises, field practicum, community facilitation and reflection.

Participants will learn to use the Resilience Design Toolkit to strengthen their existing programming, a process that can assist management and technical field staff to design and implement more resilient and productive multi-sectoral programming. A particular emphasis will be on designing for productive and restorative agricultural systems for refugee and IDP populations and their host communities.

The target audience for this course is program management and staff working at the nexus of humanitarian, development and peace (HDP) programming. It is designed for public and private programs who are promoting Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Security, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Natural Resource Management (NRM), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Market System Development (MSD), MEAL, Proposal Development, or in developing infrastructure in both humanitarian or development settings. This can include local, regional and global program staff with technical expertise in agriculture and for local and regional government extension agents. We also highly encourage agency senior management to attend the training to reinforce their understanding of how best to integrate Resilience Design into their program framework.
ToT Learning Objectives
  • Understand how to build living soils, generate hydrological stability and create systems of beneficial biodiversity that are critical in building resilience in household gardens and smallholder farming systems
  • Learn practical, field-based tools to implement H-D-P (Humanitarian-Development-Peace) triple nexus
  • Identify how Permagarden and RD farming systems can be used to help improve food security appropriately and contribute to household income in both development and humanitarian settings
  • Increase knowledge on how programs and farmers can identify specific environmental characteristics that influence farming systems and their productivity
  • Describe and apply key components of the Permagarden method in specific local contexts according to the Permagarden Technical Manual
  • Greater understanding of how to build farmer capacity to mitigate land degradation
  • Learning practical field-based measurement tools
  • Understand how the RD approach in practice can increase resilience to environmental shocks and stresses
  • Gain hands-on experience on how to create more stable and regenerative production, restore landscapes and reduce disaster risks
  • Gain practical knowledge on asset creation for livelihoods in the form of passive water harvesting earthworks for long term hydration and moisture security, slope stabilization and soil erosion control
  • Experience the process of working with a farmer and their community to develop demonstration site(s) to support further training, research, and the cascading processes
  • Enhance understanding of how to program RD from the proposal stage through  to the cascade, monitoring, and long term impact within our programs
  • Overview of how to build long term agency capacity to integrate regenerative agriculture using RD

Regenerative Agriculture Training

Tree Management


Model Farm


Lok Neno Research, Training and Demonstration Farm

In 2022, the Ugandan government awarded AWR the opportunity to develop a 15-acre model farm at the heart of the Palabek Refugee Settlement inNorthern Uganda which is located next to the UN headquarters and the Office of the Prime Minister. Although the land was previously abandoned as barren and used for rock quarrying and brick-burning, AWR is using RD to transform it into a site for large-scale program demonstrations, training and research in regenerative solutions. This RegenAg training using the RD toolkit will be based out of the Lok Neno farm site.  
GPS coordinates: 3.366222°, 32.417337°

Lok Neno

Defined as "Let's change our mindset" in the Acholi language


RegenAg Humanitarian Training

Specific skills learned during the training include:
  • Ecological farm design
  • Designing and building a Permagarden
  • Hydrological stabilization strategies by Planting the Rain
  • Groundwater/borehole recharge
  • Banking rainwater and protecting it from evaporation
  • Turning flooding into food
  • Building living soils
  • Create highly effective bio fertilizers and bio pest repellents from local materials
  • Increasing beneficial biodiversity
  • Designing for perennial stability
  • Food forestry
  • Animal integration
  • Drought-proofing the landscape
  • Creating resilient microclimates that buffer climate extremes
  • Biological fertilization and natural pest management
  • Regenerative systems monitoring, evaluating and management
  • Community facilitation and engagement
  • Asset creation for livelihoods in the form of passive water harvesting earthworks for long term hydrological security, slope stabilization and soil erosion control

Dates: 2 week courses:

  • March 17 – March 28, 2025

  • October 27 – November 7, 2025

Price: $3525 includes: Training instruction, training materials, certification, accommodation, full board (including the day off), travel from accommodation to training site. Limited scholarships available for local participation.
Week 1: Resilience Design basic training and Permagarden home garden design and installation.
Week 2: Resilience Design for field crop programs, biofertilizers, natural pest strategies, and program cascading.
See Agenda
To Register: Email Space is limited, we encourage early registration to guarantee space.

Regenerative Agriculture Training

Tree Management


Model Farm


Regenerative Agriculture Training

Tree Management


Model Farm


Testimonials from RD ToT’s

"This course is a valuable investment in both your personal and professional growth, especially if you're working in resource development or community-focused projects. It provides practical tools and strategies for developing sustainable, community-driven initiatives, which are essential for anyone aiming to make a lasting impact. The training balances theory with actionable insights, and the emphasis on strategic planning and community engagement will empower you to approach your projects with confidence.  One of the highlights is how the course fosters innovative thinking, helping you see challenges in a new light while offering real-world solutions you can immediately apply to your work. The peer learning aspect also offers a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas with professionals from diverse fields.  If you are passionate about creating meaningful change and building resilient programs, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to achieve that. It's a chance to deepen your understanding of sustainable development and refine your approach to tackling complex challenges."
"This is the best course you will ever take, it will challenge you in every way, help you think outside of the box and be open to new ideas and also making a difference in the community"
"The course is a must have."

Agencies that have trained with us in this Resilience Design ToT

Total agencies thus far - 54       Total Countries Represented: 16
Agencies include:  United Nations International Office for Migration (IOM), UN World Food Programme (WFP), USAID - Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance, UNEP, Action Against Hunger, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Save the Children, International Rescue Committee, CARE International, Caritas, Compassion International, Danish Church Aid, Danish Refugee Council, Mercy Corps, and many other regional and local organizations

Warren Brush

Agroecologist, RegenAg Designer and Trainer


Thomas Cole

Agroecologist, RegenAg Designer and Trainer


Evelyne Lalwedo

Permagarden Manager

Paula Achayo

Field Crop Manager

Patrick Olanya

Agriculture Supervisor

Regenerative Agriculture Training

Tree Management


Model Farm


Facilitator Team

The facilitation team includes two of the developers of the Resilience Design approach who work on the USAID TOPS/SCALE team, Thomas Cole and Warren Brush.

Warren Brush

Agroecologist, RegenAg Designer and Trainer


Thomas Cole

Agroecologist, RegenAg Designer and Trainer


Evelyne Lalwedo

Permagarden Manager

Paula Achayo

Field Crop Manager

Patrick Olanya

Agriculture Supervisor

Regenerative Agriculture Training

Tree Management


Model Farm

Warren Brush
Warren Brush, Agroecologist, RegenAg Designer and Trainer, is a co-developer and lead trainer in the Resilience Design approach established through USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance.
Thomas Cole, Agroecologist, RegenAg Designer and Trainer,  is a co-developer and lead trainer in the Resilience Design approach established through USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance.
Olanya Patrick, AWR Agriculture Coordinator, is a pioneer of the permagarden approach and a co-designer of the Lok Neno site and a lead trainer with African Women Rising.
Lalwedo Evelyn, Program Officer Permagarden, is a pioneer of the permagarden approach and a co-designer of the Lok Neno site and a lead trainer with African Women Rising.
Aber Sharon Jolly, Program Officer at Lok Neno, she is a co designer of Lok Neno research, demonstration and training center and a lead trainer with African Women Rising.
Achola Sunday, Program Assistant for Tree Planting at Lok Neno, she a co- designer of Lok Neno research, demonstration and training center and a lead trainer with African Women Rising.
Thomas Cole

Background on Resilience Design

Developed under USAID since 2014 as a practical framework to integrate Regenerative Agriculture into the Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs food security programming.
Give Hope
African Women Rising serves as a catalyst for thousands of women and girls in Northern Uganda, giving them the support they need to live their lives with dignity.